

In the year 2055, Commander Yohhan Abraham and few astronauts were on a regular astro-mining mission for The Unidawn Federation. Every earth quarter, teams would venture out into federation space to mine asteroids in the quest to meet the increasing demands for precious metals and minerals and alternate fuel. While on the journey the most elite team (Abraham’s team) had picked up a strange energy signal coming out of an asteroid belt that was 770,000 kms away from Venus towards the Sun.

Hence, they planned this journey and ventured to find that asteroid. It took them 2 months to reach. Once they were orbiting around it they found something peculiar, the asteroid was revolving around itself and when a certain part was exposed to the sun, it would shine in a way that represented particulate acceleration (excitement of particles when exposed to energy, hence the gama- radiation). They sent a drone to check it out and the drone was able to pull one piece of that element (about the size of an apple) that was now crowned as Abrahanium.

The team returned to earth with that material. It went through multiple days of tests and observations. It was a new element not yet found in the periodic table. But when exposed to significantly high amount of energy it glows up while absorbing it and then fades down. It was impenetrable. Even when drilled using a diamond drill. The team was shocked and kind of disappointed as the material was of no use. The captain bet everything he had on its discovery and as there were more important elements like ice, gold, uranium, rhodium, palladium etc on other asteroids The Federation stopped experimenting on Abrahanium. He was given the element and was asked to conduct self-research without funding.

Few months passed by and one day, he was drinking in sorrow due to failure with the material in his pocket, walking by the beach. There was a thunderstorm and he just kept going. He got frustrated with his life and out of aggression took it out and through it high into the sky.

That exact moment Lightning struck the Abrahanium. It fell down, the event almost blinded him and created a surge of energy that threw him off at least 10 meters away from the impact.
In a state of awe and shock he ran towards the impact area, and saw that Abrahanium was almost in a 40-meter-wide pit created due to impact and there was sea and rain water being poured into it and the all of the water and sand around it would immediately evaporate not even touching the glowing element. He was amazed and started taking a video to prove his theory. The event went on for almost 5 hours after which the element suddenly lost all the energy and became a solid rock again.
He ran and gathered old cloth material to wrap it and took the element home. The next month he went about structuring his Abrahanium theory and concluded that when exposed to significantly high amount of energy. The element converts to another state and gives of energy.

To prove his theory and learn more about it he needed an intense energy supply. He understood that Abrahanium attracts lighting and hence needed a place where concentrated lightning would be available in a controlled manner. He visited the Arc, a place where multiple lightning strikes are diverted so that it is put back into the ground and does not affect the population living in that high-altitude area.
Near the arc, just before the storm began he set up apparatus and emergency protocols so that the destruction is less. The set up was already made and he bought strong natural magnets with him as while working on the theory at home he realized that while exposed to sunlight would glow a bit and when squeezed by magnets from all sides the glow would be diverted to a specific area that then would shoot a small beam of energy if the magnet pressure was considerably high.

He waited 2 whole days for the storm and the storm finally appeared. The Arc on an average would absorb/attract 4-5 Lighting complete bolt within a 20 sec time frame. The Arc was made out of thick concrete and Tungston. Layers of it so that if multiple lightning strikes occur, it can still withhold the impact. It was designed to withstand nuclear blasts as well.

[With an average bolt of lightning striking from cloud to ground containing roughly one billion (1,000,000,000) joules of energy,] Hence 4-5 bolts would charge up the apple sized Abrahanium to upto 5*10^9 Joules. He also had to make sure that it did not exceed the amount of energy input so that the destruction caused is less.

Finally, the storm was near and he was nervous. He was prepared to note/record the details and was ready to set the magnets to control the energy. The storm struck and within 2 minutes 3 bolts hit the Arc and the energy converted that was pointed towards the Arc, this helped the bolt to hit the element.
As soon as it did the Abrahanium illuminated and this time it created a 10 m wide hole. But the whole was created due to vaporized concrete and tungsten that was near the element during initial ignition (the point where AE was struck with the lightning bolt) (tungsten boils at 3800*C)
The element was suspended in that hole glowing from all ends and water, dust, metal everything within 6-7 meters to it gets instantaneously vaporized.

He was amazed, excited and curious as he expected similar results. He has to wait almost 15 hours before he could go anywhere near the element to conduct more tests.
As soon as the element started losing energy after 20 hours he went closer to channel what energy was left. He placed a strong maget below the element using a Tungsten rod and one above.
The magnets were affecting the AE and it was suspended exactly between them. (Like Maglev technology). The moment of truth. He had bought an apparatus that helped squeeze the magnet’s closer to the AE and set that apparatus an initially started with 150 Newton’s he was able to see the energy being concentrated to an end of the AE. As he kept increasing the pressure somewhere close to 3500 Newton’s the element shot a concentrated beam of energy for 20 secs while it propelled into the concrete and tungsten wall vaporising the content into a hole of 20 meters.

The rest is history, he proved his theory and The Federation funded him to mine and extract more Abrahanium and today, 2080, Space travels has become a lot easier with the ‘Abraham Propulsion Technology’ {APT}
Star Ships are now capable of travelling upto 75% the speed of light. Thanks to Yohhan Abraham and his discovery of the Abrahanium and propulsion Tech, humanity is now a multi-galaxy species.
