Overcoming the Impossible

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

The Battle of Longewala was one of the first Western battles of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. It occurred when a large number of Pakistani troops and tanks entered India, meeting Major K.S. Chandpuri of the Indian army with his 100 men,
some of whom were training to be mortar men, and their single Jeep, which was fitted with an anti-tank weapon. The major was occupying a fortified sand dune at Longewala, a small hamlet in the Thar desert, when his position came under bombardment early in the morning of December 5, 1971,
killing five camels. By 4:00 AM on the same morning, around 55 Chinese T-59 tanks and US Sherman tanks controlled by the Pakistani force were spotted to the south, as well as a battalion of Pakistani infantry numbering around 3,000 and 24 artillery guns.

During the course of the night, the major and his men destroyed 12 enemy tanks, pushing back attack after attack from their sand dune with limited means of retaliation. Due to a lack of night vision in outdated Indian planes, air support was refused to the defenders until morning. When two Indian hunter planes arrived at dawn,
the desert became a killing field, with nowhere for the enemy tanks to hide and sand making it difficult to maneuver. By 11:00 AM, after the men had held out against a column of tanks and a battalion of infantry, help arrived. Major Chandpuri was able to rout the enemy on December 6, with only eight enemy tanks escaping the wrath of the 101.

Many time's in our life there will be people and scenarios that lead's us into believing that "this" is impossible. There will be debates, quarrels and advice of all sorts that eventually leaves us confused. The question which I ask myself in these situations is  'Do you fell "they" are Intellectual enough to understand you'? and within seconds psychology helps me understand and evaluate my Extra-Ordinary Mental capabilities & continue exploring.

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” –  Christopher Reeve

"It is the people no one imagines anything of who do things no one can imagine" - Alan Turing 
