Digital Marketing

A Professional Advice

1.How To Transform Marketing Leads Into Sales Leads

Your marketing and sales teams have one common goal: encourage customers to buy. So if their goals are so similar, why is it that marketing and sales teams never seem to agree on how to transform marketing leads into sales leads?

2.The Beginner’s Guide To Data Management Platforms

In the world of digital marketing, there’s always some new technology to use that will make life easier for marketers. As marketing automation has taken off to such extreme heights, marketers are now looking to the next great technology: data management platforms.

3.How To Improve Your Marketing Strategy By Making It More Like Sales

To the well-trained eye, sales and marketing are two halves of the same coin. Though stereotypes would have us believe that all salespeople care about is numbers and all marketers care about is the message, the truth is that these two departments share a lot in common and are really part of the same strategy.

4.The Beginner’s Guide To Building An Inbound Marketing Campaign

Inbound marketing campaigns are a little different than the outbound campaigns you might be more familiar with. Outbound campaigns mainly involve cold calling and direct messaging as well as advertisements on billboards, newspapers and televisions. Your message goes out to anyone that will listen to you, and it often interrupts your audience’s daily life.
