Every 1000 years, there are events that occur which shape new foundations for this Earth. Being a Sef-Sustaining planet, these events may or may not end Earth's ability to sustain a balanced Environment. This year [2020] has taught humanity many things. Our development throughout the years have been so rapid that we forgot to pay attention to small details that could have avoided the Pandemic. Nevertheless, this much needed Pandemic has taught every one of us many lessons. These tests by Nature have to be anticipated by us better and Through Technology, Sustainability and Knowledge we can create a path for a Brighter and Safer Future.
Attached below are some of my Research materials that cover topics i feel are important for everyone to know. These numbers can be improved. With the contribution of Companies, Governments, Societies and People who are willing to make a change. We can Overcome 'This Chaotic Present to Create a Sustainable Future' .
*Attached Images are copyrighted, 2020.
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